sorry meant “emergency contraception” pills. now that the Lezhin is more caught up I have the better translation and not just google translate off bomtoon lol but considering he threw up a bit after taking it, I bet he’s still prego lol I hope so. Euihyun seems to trust and like Taeju more now and knows he won’t use a baby to tie him down to him
sorry meant “emergency contraception” pills. now that the Lezhin is more caught up I have the better translation and not just google translate off bomtoon lol but considering he threw up a bit after taking it, I bet he’s still prego lol I hope so. Euihyun seems to trust and like Taeju more now and knows he won’t use a baby to tie him down to him
he took abortion pills tho so idk if there even is a baby any more, but knowing how omegaverses work, he probably is still preg lol
Bro i forget about the baby what if he dies! He will not Survive with that huge dk ofc!
I am scared when will he tell him about the baby
The baby !