MongangWow! Each chapter just keeps getting more and more intense! I swear, Smyrna and Capri is hands down the best written manhwa I’ve ever come across! October 29, 2023 at 1:12 pm Reply
Fujoshi69Granny Italli there’s another egg. 😵😵😵 They just forget to inform you 😂 October 25, 2023 at 4:36 am Reply
yaoiaddicted19091haaa…this drama geting more complicated!you really are jerk,kallion! im understan if you just toying him,but wiping the after kiss its too much.. its not like a prince at all October 23, 2023 at 11:56 am Reply
Wow! Each chapter just keeps getting more and more intense! I swear, Smyrna and Capri is hands down the best written manhwa I’ve ever come across!
Granny Italli there’s another egg. 😵😵😵
They just forget to inform you 😂
haaa…this drama geting more complicated!
you really are jerk,kallion! im understan if you just toying him,but wiping the after kiss its too much.. its not like a prince at all![capoo06]()
More like a Judas