There’s no missing chapter or anything. It’s just the translation is quite messy. This is from the raw translation. Basically the king (? i forgot the name) showing Seth and theo the incubator where the egg going to be placed once it was born. In short the egg haven’t born yet but coming.
I truly appreciate this post. I have been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You have made my day! Thanks again!
There’s no missing chapter or anything. It’s just the translation is quite messy. This is from the raw translation. Basically the king (? i forgot the name) showing Seth and theo the incubator where the egg going to be placed once it was born. In short the egg haven’t born yet but coming.
Did he give birth? It’s like one chapter is missing!!!![ch106]()
Did I miss a chapter 🤔
I’m reading this thinking the same thing lol