Choi Woohyeok, a college student, has been having trouble sleeping after moving into a new place alone. His exhaustion has been piling up from the insomnia as well as the nightmares he gets even when he does fall asleep. Seeing Woohyeok like this, his friends are worried it’s a haunting and suggest exorcising by making an offering. Though he dismisses them, later on, as he is desperate enough from 2 weeks of insomnia, he makes an offering of lollipops for a sincere wish of a good night’s sleep. That very night, Woohyeok, lying in bed filled with erotic thoughts, and frustrated as a result, feels a hand wrap around his dick, and opens his eyes to see an extremely beautiful man, rendering him immobile. “Ah – so you’re into this kind of thing?” “Wh-What’s this?!” “You caused this.” “This right here is your dream.”