--dia69--The mother, without regard to the child, gave it to her unrelated brother and knew he was an Alpha. She was only thinking of herself so she wouldn’t get in trouble and now she’s acting like she cares. Hypocritical square box. August 9, 2023 at 9:54 am Reply
Lilpeeps_wifeyyy1st off you’re wrong because being a hypocrite is saying not to do something and you turn around and do it August 15, 2023 at 12:23 am
LeviPoor mom! She should have been shocked. She trusted her brother!☹ August 9, 2023 at 5:13 am Reply
The mother, without regard to the child, gave it to her unrelated brother and knew he was an Alpha. She was only thinking of herself so she wouldn’t get in trouble and now she’s acting like she cares. Hypocritical square box.
1st off you’re wrong because being a hypocrite is saying not to do something and you turn around and do it
Poor mom! She should have been shocked. She trusted her brother!☹
Your right so 😢😢😢