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“Suffering even more”MR DAN WHATTTTTT
He’s an asshole HOW CAN HE DID IT 😭😭😭😭😭
October Octopus
I’ve always been grateful to Jaekyung for helping dan paying his debts and all.
And I’ve always hated Jaekyung since his first appearance in kim sam’s life.
One should know limit he is not some isolated wild animal but a human living in a perfect society knowing all norms and blah blah..
He certainly knows that kim Dan is hurting and offcourse his image is being completely insulted by him ..
——My only wish..Kim Dan hating,ghosting, isolating Jaekyung—–.
#I came back just to release my tantrums after watching reels 😗
you guys are saying “jaekyung doesn’t deserve doc” is unreasonable. doc is being paid to do this, so?????????
tho i hate jaekyung too lmao
October Octopus
I hate Jaekyung even more 😤😡
October Octopus
I hate Jaekyung even more 😤
I hate yall sm, like what yall can do, Dan agrees to it and that’s why he’s there and faces everything jk’s needs, if he hates it that much, he alr leaves him. For fck sake 🤦🏻♀️ just read, don’t fkg complain duh
its still far enough to turning him into a greenflag
Despite everything dan still keeps thinking about jaekyung’s well being im crying
It’s true that Jae Kyung is really giving a shit… but I feel bad for the situation he’s in… Dan was probably the most valuable thing that ever came into his life… but he still doesn’t understand this… I know that He’s going to realize his mistakes and. I hope he still has Dan then
okay but I was waiting for yoongu and heesung’s part … i really fell in love with them … so cute … and i don’t want to think about jk … He is just hurts dan and himself with his fucking behavior ^_^
Ach Danny 😞I feel so sorry for you. Joo doesn’t deserve you. I understand he has to be under a lot of pressure bc of article, but it doesn’t mean ha has to rape Danny every day. It looked like there is some progress in las few episodes…… but it’s not. Jae kyung is just asshole
I hate him I hate himmmmm…doc why you so naive

Guys you just crashed the site wtf. 🥲